Sunday, May 11, 2008

First Go At Beer Brewing

Here are some pics of my first attempt at home brewing. I am making an America Nut Brown Ale.

Ye ol' ingredients.

Ye ol' brew pot.

Steepin' the grains.

Ye ol' sanitizing bucket.

Coolin' down the wort.

Ye ol' blow off tube.


justin said...

Man, that looks awesome!
I meant to call you saturday to see how things were going / foaming. I see you went for the blow-off tube, how did that go? I think next time I am definately going to have to do it in a carboy to be able to watch the whole process.

Question: Have you been watching the liquid level in the carboy as it has been fermenting? One supposed downside of the blowoff tube is that you may loose about a quart of beer, but that seems awfully high to me.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome. Can't wait to see it first hand.